Designing modular inference engines: API for the HMC kernel
Update (20/12/2020): MCX’s inference core is being moved to BlackJAX, a joint project with the Numpyro and PyMC devs.
I have been working on a probabilistic programming library, MCX (don’t use it yet, most of the inference engine is in API prototype stage) for the past few weeks. The library is based on source code transformation: you express the model as a python function, and a compiler reads the function, applies the necessary transformations and outputs either a function that generates samples from this distribution, or its logpdf. The logpdf can be JIT-compiled with JAX and used for batched inference.
Despite the black magic involved, this scheme is convenient; it neatly separates the process of defining the model and that of performing inference, with python functions as the bridge between the two. Algorithm-specific optimizations are done at compilation time; as a result, inference algorithms need not be aware of how the logpdf was generated and can execute it “as is”.
It is even possible to use inference engines without using MCX’s DSL: users can
import the inference
module in their projects and use custom-built functions
as logpdfs. As long at the logpdf is compatible with JAX’s jit
and grad
inference with work out of the box. Designed appropriately, MCX could be used
both for its DSL and convenient interface with common algorithms, but also for
the composability of its inference elements.
Since we wish to expose the internals to experienced users there is a strong incentive to make the inference engine as modular as is possible and its parts re-usable. This way, users can come up with combinations that are not yet implemented in MCX or even build their own parts.
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) methods are the cornerstone of most PPLs: Anglican, Numpyro, PyMC3, Pyro, Stan, Tensorflow Probability, Turing.jl, Rainier, Soss.jl, and many others I forgot (someone should write about the current Cambrian explosion of PPLs!) are all built around variants of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. If you don’t already know why everyone is using HMC, have a look at Betancourt’s article for a theoretical explanation.
When it comes to implementation, here is the implementation of HMC that you often find (I omitted the implementation of the integrator for simplicity):
class HMCState(NamedTuple):
"""State on which the HMC kernel acts.
We can (and probably should) add more information which can be useful
higher up:
- State of the proposal
- Whether the move was accepted
- Acceptance ratio
- State of the integrator
position: Array
log_prob_grad: float
energy: float # here for convenience
def hmc_kernel(
potential: Callable,
integrator: Callable, # integrates the trajectory
momentum_generator: Callable, # generates a momentum value
kinetic_energy: Callable, # computes kinetic energy from momentum value
num_integration_steps: int,
step_size: float,
def step(rng_key, state: HMCState) -> HMCState:
"""Moves the chain by one step using the Hamiltonian dynamics.
key_momentum, key_uniform = jax.random.split(rng_key)
momentum = momentum_generator(key_momentum)
position, momentum, log_prob, log_prob_grad = integrator(
new_energy = log_prob + kinetic_energy(momentum)
new_state = HMCState(position, log_prob, log_prob_grad, new_energy)
log_uniform = np.log(jax.random.uniform(rng_key))
do_accept = log_uniform < new_energy -
if do_accept:
return new_state
return state
return step
where integrator
can be the often-used leapfrog integrator, or any other
symplectic integrator. Separating momentum_generator
, kinetic_energy
allows you to easily generalize to Riemannian HMC, without having
to re-define a kernel for every possibe combination.
But this implementation has its limits, which often cause PPLs to copy-paste a
good portion of the code whenever a new member of the HMC family is introduced.
In particular empirical HMC (eHMC) and NUTS where the number of integration steps
changes between iterations. It is temptin to pass step_size_generator
to hmc
. While this works for eHMC and algorithms with
an adaptive step size, it fails to accomodate more complex schemes like NUTS.
With hindsight, what I am about to write feels like stating the obvious: this design smells because it is conceptually incorrect; the step size and path length are not properties of the kernel, but of the path integration. We can even go further, and separate proposals from integration. After all, both eHMC and NUTS do call the same integrators and there is no reason they should be “trapped” in a specific proposal.
For empirical HMC where the path length is drawn from an empirical distribution
with num_steps_generator
, this would look like:
def ehmc_proposal(
step_size: float,
num_steps_generator: Callable, # returns a number of steps
integrator: Callable = leapfrog,
def propose(rng_key, state):
num_integration_steps = num_steps_generator(rng_key)
for _ in range(num_integration_steps):
state = integrator(state, step_size)
return state
return propose
Note that by using a closure we can make every proposal depend only on a PRNG key and the chain state. In other words, they are kernels and all provide the same interface to the kernel. This way we can accomodate virtually any variation on HMC while using the same kernel. The HMC kernel now looks like:
def hmc_kernel(
logpdf: Callable,
proposal: Callable,
momentum_generator: Callable,
kinetic_energy: Callable,
def step(rng_key, state: HMCState) -> HMCState:
"""Moves the chain by one step using the Hamiltonian dynamics.
key_momentum, key_uniform = jax.random.split(rng_key)
momentum = momentum_generator(key_momentum)
position, momentum, log_prob, log_prob_grad = proposal(
new_energy = log_prob + kinetic_energy(new_momentum)
new_state = HMCState(position, log_prob, log_prob_grad, new_energy)
log_uniform = np.log(jax.random.uniform(rng_key))
do_accept = log_uniform < new_energy -
if do_accept:
return new_state
return state
return step
And here is a summary of the decomposition of the algorithms into independent parts:
+--> Momentum generator
| | step size (generator)
| v v
Metric ---+ Kernel <----------- Proposal <---------- Integrator
| ^ ^
| | num steps (generator)
+--> Kinetic Energy
Decomposing the HMC kernel in meaningful blocks and specializing using a closure brings a lot of benefits:
- The logic of the kernel is more transparent;
- The code is more modular; we can separate the implementations of the dynamics (momentum and kinetic energy) and trajectory integration. We are free to use any symplectic integrator (2nd, 3rd, etc. order)1, use any metric (euclidean, riemannian, etc.) and any variant in implementation.
- One can initialize a kernel with algorithms that are not in the library. These algorithm only need to expose the same API as the others.
A couple of examples:
- Vanilla HMC uses a Euclidean metric, a fixed step size and a fixed number of steps. We can use any integrator we want.
- empirical HMC uses a distribution for the number of integration steps, a fixed step size.
- NUTS uses a fixed step size, but a complex internal logic to determine the number of integration steps.
- For all the above you can switch the metric to a Riemannian metric and use the appropriate integrator.
This makes development easier and less error-prone.
I am particularly excited about being able to implement and use algorithms mentioned in this review paper. ↩︎